It is difficult to focus on “Winter Help” when the temperature outside is 30DegC, but you will all appreciate that we need to review and update the plan annually. We are pleased that all who volunteered last winter are continuing.
The plan, in essence, is that nobody in the Parish should feel isolated or abandoned in the event of severe winter weather, especially through snow or ice. The main way we achieve this is through a questionnaire sent out every third or fourth year; we did this last Autumn. At this time of year, we ask that recent arrivals and newcomers to the Parish make themselves and their situation known to either myself or the Parish Clerk: contacts are listed below.
The aim of the Plan is achieved by ensuring that access is always open to houses and drive-ways of people who might be in need of help.
The A29 is obviously the main artery for this, and it is hoped that WSCC will complete its part of the bargain with appropriate pre-emptive gritting. Our local farmer, Neil Dallyn will be looking after Brook Lane to Greatham Bridge, and through Waltham Park Road to Fittleworth, but he cannot do private lanes, drives or pathways – that is the responsibility of the householder. Bags of salt/grit will be positioned in the usual places at entrances to the main estates for use along the roadway – more details later.
We hope that friends and neighbours will all rally round to help out vulnerable residents with path-clearing and checks on their well-being; remember, paths and drives are your own responsibility.
We have the names and contact details of those people who have volunteered through our last questionnaire – they have volunteered to help with transport and access, for residents who feel they cannot drive themselves.
It is important to remember that in an “emergency” it is the Emergency Services (Police, Fire Ambulance) who are your primary guaranteed responder, but our scheme hopes to be able to supplement and help out on a day by day basis.
If anyone would like to register their name for inclusion in the Winter Help scheme, either as a volunteer, or – importantly, as someone who may need help – please contact our Clerk on: 01798 873747.