We need to raise money to keep our Post Office open beyond June of this year.
Below is a copy of the ‘flyer’ asking for community support with details of the three ways it is possible for you to contribute.
If you are able to pass this email on to others in our community, please do so.
Thank you for any help you are able to give.
Guy Nelson, John Evans, Coldwaltham PC
Coldwaltham Parish Council & Sandham Memorial Village Hall
We need your support to keep our Post Office Open
We are all very pleased with the re-opening of our PO and grateful for all the support everybody has given so far.
However, we need to raise 75% of the costs locally. So far, we have managed to raise funding for just over the first year, but this will run out from June.
We need to secure our funding for the future as of June 1st 2025
To set up a funding arrangement to enable us to continue with two openings per week, we are proposing three routes by which this can be achieved:
- A direct debit / Standing Order (minimum £5 per month)
- One off, or regular, contributions to a “crowdfunder”
- A regular donation of £0.50p every time we conduct a transaction – via a collection point at the PO
Please consider how you can help
The Account Numbers and funding connections are given below:
Coldwaltham Parish Council: for bank details please contact the Parish Clerk.
Crowdfunding Website: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/coldwaltham-post-office
The PC organises the funding of the Post Office. These accounts can be inspected by anybody and are externally audited. Please contact the Parish Clerk https://coldwalthampc.org.uk/
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