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Traffic Speed Controls – we’d like you to complete this survey.

Have your say … on the A29

 Are you fed up with cars, lorries and motorbikes speeding dangerously through our villages?

 Please tell us your views by completing our quick online survey at

We’re a small group of locals working with the Parish Council who want to lobby West Sussex County Council to make the A29 safer for everyone.

Our ideas:

  • Encouraging traffic to stick to 30mph through Coldwaltham and Watersfield, through simple, cost-effective infrastructure improvements –plus a new 20mph limit by St James’s School at drop-off and pick-up times
  • Reducing the A29 speed limit from 60 mph to 40 mph between Pulborough and Coldwaltham – slowing traffic before it reaches Coldwaltham and through Hardham
  • Improving the footway between Watersfield and Pulborough, making it a mixed-use walkway/cycleway, encouraging more active travel

Your voice counts – thank you!
The Coldwaltham A29 Road Improvement Committee

You can email us at for a paper copy of the survey
Paper copies also available at Sandham Hall and The Labouring Man



Many deer about….

This photo was taken along Greatham Bridge Road two nights ago – about 10.30pm. A lot of deer on the move. Easily panicked and difficult to control. Please take care!


Spring 2024 Covid Info

The UK Health Security Agency have now confirmed that people aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 6 months and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a dose of COVID-19 vaccine this spring.

For more information on the timing of the booster jabs, the type of vaccine to be used and how to arrange to have your jab, please see here: –

A guide to the spring 2024 COVID-19 vaccination campaign – GOV.UK 

A request from the SDNP -South Downs National Park

PPS – Parish Priorities Statement

September 2023

Views of Residents.

The South Downs National Park – which governs most of the planning decisions for us in Coldwaltham – is asking all Parishes for an update on local priorities: local -meaning Coldwaltham, Watersfield and Hardham.

The proforma we are asked to fill in has the following headings:

  • 3 key priorities for the next one/two years/five years
  • Land development
  • Homes
  • Design
  • Jobs
  • Public spaces
  • Infrastructure

They want us to show evidence of consulting our local residents.

Please feel free to jot down your observations to support our submission, and send into the Clerk….or see the note on the village FB page.

We shall be formalising this at the next PC meeting at the end of this month.

John Evans

Vice Chair/Coldwaltham Parish Council

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