Reminder from the SDNP

Here is a short reminder to everyone that the consultation period for the Local Plan closes next week…one week from today. Please make sure that you have logged all your comments and representations about the Coldwaltham housing plans before then.

Message from South Downs National Park Authority

The final consultation on the South Downs Local Plan closes next Tuesday, 21 November.

The plan will replace more than a thousand policies from 12 different local authorities with just 96 new policies covering the whole of the National Park from Winchester to Eastbourne.

You can comment by using our consultation page, using the comments form, or emailing us directly.

If you have already started to draft your response using our online consultation system please finish and submit your comments before 23.59 on 21st November as comments can not be altered once the consultation has closed.

Find out more and submit your comments 

If you have any questions about the South Downs Local Plan please call 01730814810 and ask to speak to the Local Plan officer.

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