The proposed road closure on Swan Bridge during January to April 2022, this is on the OLD Swan bridge only, NOT the main A29 road bridge. This closure will only affect pedestrians. This closure has been extended to July 2022. 5th March Continue…
The proposed road closure on Swan Bridge during January to April 2022, this is on the OLD Swan bridge only, NOT the main A29 road bridge. This closure will only affect pedestrians. This closure has been extended to July 2022. 5th March Continue…
The Parish Council will be holding a Planning Meeting on Wednesday 10th March 2021. Please click here for a link to the agenda. The meeting will be held virtually. If members of the public wish to join the meeting, please email the Clerk by no later than 12.00 (midday) on the day of the meeting,… Continue…
Sussex Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP) are launching ‘Is it worth the risk?’ road safety campaign Monday 1 February, which coincides with the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s month of action against using a mobile phone behind the wheel. For more information please click here The campaign is being underpinned by increase enforcement activity from Sussex Police… Continue…
Please see the attached notice for the current vacancy on the Parish Council. Councillor Vacancy Notice July 2020 Continue…
West Sussex County Council have advised of another road closure to allow BT to undertake work on Waltham Park Road, Coldwaltham. The closure will be from the junction with Bury Gate to London Road with works taking place near No.2 Ashurst Farm Cottages to allow for safe access to overhead structures for tree cutting and… Continue…