Parishioners are warmly welcomed at Council Meetings. The dates and times below are correct at time of printing, occasionally changes may need to be made. All meetings start at 7.30pm, unless otherwise stated on the agenda, which will be posted below and on the Parish Notice Boards (Hardham – opposite St Botophs Church, Coldwaltham – outside Sandham Hall, Watersfield – in bus shelter).
Additional Planning Meetings are also held as required throughout the year, and notices advertising the date and times of these meetings will also be posted below and on the Parish Notice Boards.
If a member of the parish has an item they would like included on an agenda, please inform the Clerk at least ten business days in advance of the dates above, to enable an item being included. Members of the public wishing to speak on any agenda item at any meeting must inform the Clerk by noon on the day prior to the meeting.
January – No Full Council meeting
February –Tuesday 11th, 7.30 pm Parish Council Meeting in the Oak Room at Lodge Hill
March – Tuesday 10th, 7.30 pm Parish Council Meeting in the Limerick Studio at Lodge Hill
April – No Full Council meeting
Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 21st April, 7.30 pm at School Hall, St James School – This meeting has been cancelled for the time being due to the current situation.
May – Tuesday 12th, 7.30 pm Annual Parish Council Meeting at School Hall, St James School – This meeting has
also been cancelled for the time being due to the current situation.
June – Tuesday 16th, 7.30 pm Parish Council Meeting N.B. Now Intending to hold this meeting virtually *
July and August – No Full Council meeting
September – Tuesday 15th, 7.30 pm Parish Council – N.B. this meeting is being held virtually *
October – Tuesday 13th, 7.30 pm Parish Council- N.B. this meeting is being held virtually *
November – Tuesday 10th, 7.30 pm Parish Council N.B. this meeting is being held virtually *
December – Tuesday 8th, 7.30 pm Parish Council N.B. this meeting is being held virtually *
* If members of the public wish to join any meeting which is due to be held as a virtual meeting, they should email the Clerk by no later than 12.00 (midday) on the day of the meeting, for the joining instructions.
Please find the year’s agendas below:
Planning Meeting – 17th January 2020
Tuesday 11th February 2020
Tuesday 10th March 2020
Planning Meeting Notice 17th March 2020
Planning Meeting Notice – 2nd June 2020
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Tuesday 13th October 2020
Tuesday 10th November 2020
Tuesday 8th December 2020